My travelling around the world

This page contains information about the travels of Klaas Lingbeek- van Kranen.

In the menu you will find the names of all the countries I visited in my life. Just click on a continent and the countries in that continent will appear. At this moment I do not yet have pages set up for all of these locations. Countries with (N/A) or Not Available behind their name do not have their own pages yet..

Here are some of the images found on the Specific country pages they link to.

Praia da OuraPraia da Oura in the Portugese Algarve
EgyptThe Sphinx, The pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
Crac des Chevaliers in Syria.
Dolphins and other marine life in Oman. On this page you can also see my travels into the desert of Oman. Great wadis and camels.
Roads in Australia
Nature in Kazakhstan
Cheetah in Kenya
Whales in Canada
Parliament in Hungary
The Hooverdam in the United States of America
Templars' Park in Malaysia
The Bridge over the river Kwai in Thailand.
The "Great Wall" of China
The temples of Theotihuacan in Mexico
Elephant in South Africa
The Tower Bridge in the United Kingdom
The bounty of Singapore
Ivory Coast
Bongoyo Island in Tanzania
The city of Amman, Jordan